1. Blade Razor beat Chance Savage (10:14) with the Rusted in Blood 2. Evan Caravelle beat Autumn Raven, Kory Kowa, and TJ Carver (8:24) with the Prospect Drop on Kory 3. Jerry McClean & Robbie Venom beat Jeremy King & Seth Riggs (17:33) when Jerry pinned Seth after the Revenge of the Spot Monkey 4. Leoplold Jakobs & Debonair beat Magnus Hammerstorm & Kenneth Axenrot (14:05) when Debonair hit Kenneth with a small package 5. Arch Stanton beat Travis Montgomery (15:15) with a School Boy Roll Up 6. Robb Daniels & John Anthony beat Masamune & Chris Strike (14:08) when John hit Masamune with the Panic Switch 7. Tic Tic beat Stephen Callaway (18:21) with the Way of Monsters