1. Hoboken Crenshaw beat Stuart Cage (9:15) with the Hoboken Hangover 2. Dustin Douglas beat Leroy Hoelzer (3:03) with the Dusty Rub 3. Justin Brooks beat Stephen Callaway (12:12) with the Hook 'N Ladder 4. Blade Razor beat Autumn Raven (7:24) with the Rusted in Blood 5. Seth Riggs beat Afonso Henriques (8:56) with The End Complete 6. Jack Cassidy beat D.H. Caulfield (16:44) with the Facewaster 7. Joey Hollywood beat Jason Hunt (15:05) with a Small Package 8. Mainstream beat Arch Stanton & Hawk Paladin (14:51) when Robb got Hawk in a Guillotine Choke 9. Robbie Venom, Christian Kane, & Jerry McClean beat Da Franchize Playaz (18:33) when Jerry pinned Deron after the Revenge of the Spot Monkey