1. PG-13 beat Ryan Murphy (1:49) with the overrated 2. Kid Luck beat Jefferson (1:18) with the playin’ the ace 3. Oni Dragon, Flying Diamond Cutter Man, and New School Hero beat Captain Ragnorack, Jim Wicked, and Austin Kane (14:53) when Oni hit Jim with a running Yakuza Kick 4. Coronation Cup - Block 1: Damian Storm beat Kris Williams (16:32) with the storm cloud 5. Josh Eagles beat William Lionhart (12:41) with the eagles death claw 6. Coronation Cup - Block 2: Teddy Davis beat Ryan Helms (19:52) with the wings of the dragon 7. Coronation Cup - Block 3: Mad Max beat Catalyst (11:12) with a powerbomb 8. Shawn Stevens beat Flap Flanagan (11:59) with a super kick